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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 


What is ADHD?

ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is one of the most common nuerodevelopmental disorders. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors , or be overly active. Altough there is no cure for ADHD, treatment and early diagnosis can help with everyday function. Treatment typically involves medications and behavioral interventions. 

Signs and Symptoms

ADHD symptoms can be mild, moderate or severe, and they may continue into adulthood. Children with ADHD will not grow out of these sympotoms.  It is important to rememeber every child with ADHD can expiereince these symptoms differently.

Here are a list of symptoms broken out into the main 3 categories of symptoms for ADHD. 


  • Short attention span for age (difficulty sustaining attention)
  • Difficulty listening to others
  • Difficulty attending to details
  • Easily distracted
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor organizational skills for age
  • Poor study skills for age


  • Often interrupts others
  • Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn in school and/or social games
  • Tends to blurt out answers instead of waiting to be called upon
  • Takes frequent risks, and often without thinking before acting


  • Seems to be in constant motion; runs or climbs, at times with no apparent goal except motion
  • Has difficulty remaining in his/her seat even when it is expected
  • Fidgets with hands or squirms when in his or her seat; fidgeting excessively
  • Talks excessively
  • Has difficulty engaging in quiet activities
  • Loses or forgets things repeatedly and often
  • Inability to stay on task; shifts from one task to another without bringing any to completion


There is no single test to diagnose ADHD, and many other problems, like anxiety, depression, sleep problems, and certain types of learning disabilities, can have similar symptoms. A medical exam from your Lee Health primary care physician can help determine next steps on properly diagnosing your child. 

Your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist, such as a developmental-behavioral pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist or pediatric neurologist. 

Find a specialist near you!

Staying Happy and Healthy!

We are not sure of the exact causes of ADHD, but it is important for early detection to help your child develop lifelong behavioral skills. Develop a plan that will make it easier to handle your childs behavior. 

A behavior management plan might include:

  • strategies to encourage good behavior
  • social skills to help your child get along with others
  • strategies to manage your child’s energy levels and tiredness
  • strategies to support your child in the classroom

This plan should be what is best for your child and family.