Bone, Joint & Muscle Infections
Lee Health: Helping You Understand Your Child's Bone, Joint & Muscle Infections
Lee Health is here to provide your child and family with compassionate care starting with helping you understand your child's unique bone and joint infection. We offer the best treatment options to help your child heal and experienced specialists to help you during your child's recovery. Read more below about common bone and joint infections.
Pediatric Infectious Diseases - Golisano Children's Health Center
Pediatric Infectious Diseases - HealthPark Medical Center
What are bone and joint infections?
Bone Infection (Osteomyelitis)
Bone Infection also known as osteomyelitis is a bacterial infection that is caused by inflammation of the bone. Most common in younger children (five and under), osteomyelitis often affects the long bones of the arms and legs, but can happen in any bone.
Joint Infection (Septic Arthritis)
Septic arthritis is the inflammation of a joint form a bacterial or fungal infection. Septic Arthritis occurs when a penetrating injury occurs near a joint, thus allowing bacteria to directly enter the joint.
Muscle Infection (Pyomyositis)
Pyomyositis is a rare bacterial infection of the skeletal muscles that usually results in an abscess that forms in your muscle .
Causes of Bone, Joint & Muscle Infections
Infections are generally caused by bacteria that are present in our normal, day-to-day environment. Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as "Staph", is the most common bacteria that causes bone, joint, or muscle infections. Bacteria enters the body in a variety ways, and circulate through the bloodstream until they reach a bone, joint, or muscle.
Diagnosis of Infections
If your child presents any of the above symptoms your physician may suspect an infection. Starting with a physical examination, your child's physician will look for swelling around bones and muscles, or fluid within the joints that are infected and order tests. If your physician suspects an infection they may also request test such as:
- Blood Tests
- X-rays
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans
- Ultrasound
- Computed Tomography (CT) or Bone Scans
- Needle Aspiration (sampling bone marrow) or Bone Biopsy (sampling bone)
Treatment of Infections
Treatment options for any of these infections are unique to your child based on age, severity of infection, and the lifetime of said infection. Once your Lee Health provider has found a clear diagnosis and cause they will choose the best treatment option for your child. Some options include:
- Antibiotics
- Surgery for severe bone infections, to drain abscesses or remove segments of dead or infected bone
- Bone graft to replace dead or infected bone
Follow-up care might include a pediatric infectious disease specialist as well as your pediatric orthopedist.