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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 

Getting the WATCHMAN™

The Watchman™ — an implanted device for a left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) — usually allows patients to return to normal activities, such as work and travel, in just a few days. Before any kind of LAAC procedure, please talk to your doctor to understand all the risks and benefits. Your expert Lee Health physician will take the time to answer your questions and find the best treatment option. 

The Watchman™  Hotline is available to answer any additional questions.

Hotline: 239-343-5969 

Is the WATCHMAN™ Device right for you?

So how do you know if the WATCHMAN™ Device is right for you? You may be a candidate if you answer YES to the following questions:

  • Do you have a history of bleeding or have a lifestyle, occupation, or condition that puts you at risk for bleeding?
  • Do you have atrial fibrillation that isn’t caused by a heart valve problem?
  • Has your doctor recommended a blood thinner for your AFib?
  • Can you take Warfarin (or any other kind of blood thinners) in the short term but need an alternative to long-term blood thinners?

If you think this describes you, then talk to your cardiologist about the WATCHMAN™ Device.

How does The WATCHMAN™ procedure process go?

Before Your Procedure

Our team will give you a physical exam and a test called a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) or a CT scan. This test takes pictures of your heart to make sure there are no blood clots and helps our team measure the size and anatomy of your left atrial appendage.

We will make sure you are up to speed on everything you need before your procedure such as how to prepare and what medications to take. After these tests and a meeting with our Watchman™ coordinator, we will be on track to schedule your procedure.

Your Procedure Day

The Watchman™ procedure usually takes about an hour and is an outpatient procedure. Your physician will prescribe an anticoagulant regiment for 6 months. Most paitents go home the same day but have the option to spend the night.

After Your Procedure

Regular appointments with your physician are important so we can check your progress and get you back to all the activities you love. That means office visits at two weeks, three months, six months, and one year. Our friendly staff will perform a follow-up imaging study after your Watchman implant. This simple test shows your doctor how well heart tissue is growing over the implant. 

For questions about your medication regimen, contact your provider to learn more. Or visit our FAQ page

The WATCHMAN™: A New Beginning

At Lee Health, we know every patient is different, but your Watchman™ implant should allow you to live a full, active life.

Our staff will give you a Watchman™ Implant Card to carry in your wallet at all times. The card is important because it tells emergency personnel that you have an implant. Please let other doctors, medical staff, and dentists know about your implant before any X-rays or procedures. Your health and safety are our top priority!

Request information about the WATCHMAN™ Implant in Fort Myers, FL:

Learn More About Cardiology Services at Lee Health

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