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Business Structure Evaluation Process Updates

We're currently conducting an evaluation of Lee Health's business structure. Explore all available documents and dive deeper into the process by learning more here. 

Monitoring Shortness of Breath

To monitor your difficulty breathing during exercise, we use the Modified Dyspnea Scale. You should experience shortness of breath while exercising but within safe parameters. This would include slight, moderate, to somewhat severe shortness of breath (level 2- 4) the “green zone” while exercising. 

You will want to maintain your dyspnea (shortness of breath) at or below a 4 (somewhat severe) on the scale. A simple way to measure is to use the “talk test”. If you can have a normal conversation, then you should be able to avoid overexertion.

Modified Dyspnea Scale

Exercise Intensity

The BORG RPE Exertion Scale describes how hard an exercise is to perform. Exercising should be challenging but not too difficult. This exercise intensity measurement should be in the “green zone” on the scale. This would include light to somewhat hard intensity (level 4 - 5). If your exertion is 7 or greater on the BORG scale, you should slow down or take a break and allow your body to rest then continue when able. 

This style is referred to as intermittent training and is an effective way to build your exercise capacity. This is a beneficial technique for achieving your goals of 30 minutes of aerobic activity daily.

Rate of Perceived Exertion


A pulse oximeter can measure both your heart rate (pulse) and oximetry (oxygen) levels. It is important to maintain your oxygen levels at or above 90% during exercise. You may need to titrate your supplemental oxygen to maintain safe levels and return to prescribed level once you have recuperated. If unable to maintain oxygen levels during exercise, stop and rest then continue if oxygen level returns to baseline. If your prescribed oxygen does not meet your demands for exercise, inform your physician.

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